Snow leopard is an elusive big cat that inhabits in 12 range states across Asia. It’s believed to be an indicator species for its high altitude ecosystem. A stable population of snow leopard marks that high mountain ecosystems are in good shape.
We are thrilled by the news that one of the biggest field surveys in the history of snow leopard conservancy ended successfully. WWF-Mongolia in collaboration with Snow Leopard Conservation Foundation, Snow Leopard Trust, Irbis Mongolia Center, and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia concluded a nationwide survey in Mongolia which initiated in 2017.
The study confirms that Mongolia houses 953 (806 – 1127) adult snow leopard inhabiting approximately 328,900 square km area of Altai, Sayan, Khangai Mountain ranges. Which is considered to be the second largest population of snow leopard in the world. As part of the study, 1,475 camera traps deployed at 29 mountains. The survey covered 406,800 square km area of 10 provinces in Mongolia.
Mongolia’s nationwide survey is in line with the global commitment and will provide a benchmark to assess the population size of the snow leopard in other countries. Source: WWF Mongolia